Category: humor (page 3 of 4)

West Banksy – Sublime Art

When I fell for the Work of a Cheeky Street Artist by the Name of Banksy

You may know the enigmatic British street artist Banksy from the film
Exit through the Gift Shop
Dude’s got skill. Not many would dispute this assessment, based on his prolific graffiti work. But he might have gone down in history as solely a gimmick-trick pony, the sort of figure who would inspire critics to say, “He was so talented. If only…” Until…

Banksy visited the West Bank. There he showcased some incredibly simple yet profound artwork, affixed along a wall that separates one people from another. It was while watching the evening news that I first learned of these images along the West Bank. And it was then that I first started to truly cheer on the audacity of the artist and to really care about his art.

Banksy homage

Pinocchio and Deceit

Pinocchio and the Truth


“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.” – Keyser Söze

I recently revisited the story of Pinocchio, the little wooden puppet who became a boy only to discover that his nose would later spring to life, and would do so repeatedly–every time he told a lie.  Pinocchio’s nose stood up for truth, unconcerned with the shame its actions brought upon the young lad.

Though I empathize with young Pinocchio because of the social embarrassment the growth of his nose certainly caused, I also envy the instant Pavlovian work that took effect in his life; the very moment he would fib (stimulus), his nose would grow (response). In my life, I often lack an immediate cue after I’ve strayed from the truth.

In fact, I am capable of living out years with my deceptions, unaware of their existence.  I can also intentionally weave elaborately constructed tales that are spun from lie upon lie.  So I need to think twice before laughing at the apparent lunacy of Pinocchio for fibbing time and again after recognizing what his nose would do as a result.

Knowing the consequences of deception is not alone fully sufficient to enact change.  In my life I’ve found that the sheer act of engagement in telling lies can cloud my mind, causing me to more easily believe they are truth.  These implied or spoken fallacies move me further away from the truth of my condition, that I am flawed.

To become a real boy, Pinocchio had to be saved and restored.  An admittance of weakness and imperfection was required.  I, like Pinocchio, am in need of help.  I need the Master’s handiwork to be made new.  Attempting to achieve a genuine makeover any other way would be fruitless.

Telling Stories around the Fire

Fire – the Storyteller’s Fundamental Friend

It’s such a treat to listen to a story that’s told by a fire—

storytelling by the fire


especially an outdoor fire (apologies to presidential fireside chats and digital firespaces of the 21st century).  The snaps and hisses of burning wood provide a lovely soundtrack to accompany the teller’s spoken words.  The dancing light and shadows created by the flame add drama to the teller’s face.  The lighting and music established, the storyteller need only be concerned with his or her primary function: to tell the story.

Mysteries and tales of revenge and horror play out especially well by the evening blaze, but any tale will do.  Before theater popcorn and movies, youngsters would be drawn to these natural outdoor cineplexes.  Here, the same source would light the stage and pop the kernels.  Here, they’d gather to be mesmerized, and often to be scared to death by the storyteller’s tale.  No Hollywood director had so intimate an encounter with an audience.

The next time you’re looking to escape modern entrapments, go and experience a story delivered in the age old way. Yes, consider calling on a friend who owns a fire pit.  Or better yet, build one yourself. Then you’ll have a story to tell.

Weekly Cartoon Panel – Bigfoot Growth Spurt

Bigfoot Leaves an Impression

Bigfoot and Littlerfoot
Bigfoot is my favorite mysterious creature.  Yep.  BF is my BFF.  I can identify with him more readily than the other camera shy monster types.  For one, he walks upright–just like I’ve been doing since about 11 months.  And, like me, he’s American (Washington state counts, right?).   Sorry Nessie.  I may have some Scottish roots, but I’ve never called her home.

Bigfoot, or Sasquatch as it is often called, is also presumably a forest lover. The same goes for me.  We both have hair and we both like to walk around barefoot.  I cannot imagine him in a pair of Tevas, and I sincerely doubt that Timberlands come in BF sizes.

But what I might find most appealing about the Sasquatch is his take home factor.  Bigfoot, I feel, would be the easiest creature to domesticate.  The Jersey Devil might assault (or worse, eat) your loved ones and aliens might do similar, though by more high tech means.  No aquarium at the pet store is going to be able to contain the Loch Ness Monster (or Champ, his relative known to inhabit Lake Champlain).  Conversely, you’d be able to invite Bigfoot home to meet the family.  A solitary sort, Bigfoot would naturally take to games of hide ‘n seek with the children, and if you’ve a daughter, she’d enjoy combing out his hair.  But be wary of mites and burrs.  And don’t ask him to play kickball with your loved ones, as injuries are certain to occur.  And buy earplugs, ‘cuz the snoring!  And also, consider dowsing him with a strong-scented perfume or cologne, ‘cuz the smell! Hmmm…maybe Sasquatch is best left to the wilds after all.

Weekly Cartoon Panel – At the Auction

At the Auction…

Ping Pong table at auction

It’s thrilling to win in a competition—even when victory is sealed sheerly because one offers to pay more money for an object than the next guy.  That’s precisely the victory I experienced many years ago at an auction house near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  In fact, I don’t even remember what I “won” the right to purchase.  What I do recall is the feeling I got when the auctioneer pointed at me with his gavel and said, “SOLD!  To the sharpest dressed man in the room.”  I felt a popcorn popper rush of energy, a surge of adrenaline like back in my high school sports playing days.

Local auctions didn’t always get my heart pumping.  But the PBS television series Antiques Roadshow put a light on the possibilities of discovering rare and unique items at neighborhood estate and garage sales.  The show’s appraisers became rock stars; when they stood onstage, I listened.

I even visited a Roadshow taping, traveling five hours with some dusty old wares to Hartford, Connecticut. Though my items were essentially worthless—family heirlooms I should continue to treasure, as I was told—I did find my way on camera…accidentally.  My father and I were caught on tape as we wandered around the Roadshow set aimlessly, searching for the collectibles appraiser.  Though not an ideal television debut, as I sat and watched my image on plasma, my heart did begin to race.  You could say I felt an auction house high.



An Homage to The Sunday Funnies


Remembering back to the holidays and birthdays of my childhood thirty some odd years ago, I realize that I’ve forgotten many of the presents I was given.  Generally speaking, I could count on my uncle for a Lego set (at the time the only options were Lego town or space) and my grandparents on my mom’s side were always good for an outfit.  I never did much appreciate the clothes they gave me–but I was always grateful for the wrapping paper.  You see, my grandmother would wrap my gifts with the pages of the Sunday comics, aka “The Sunday Funnies.”

I loved reading comics.

I especially loved reading them on Sundays, when they were given the color treatment.  I would come home from church and stalk the house for the paper, so I could get my hands on the latest escapades of Beetle Baily and Hagar the Horrible and Heathcliff and Garfield and–am I forgetting any other orange cat cartoons?

My hometown paper had a couple pages of color comics, but my grandparents?  They lived much closer to New York City, and their “big city” Sunday paper had two or three times as many cartoons!  Those that didn’t end up as gift wrap sat in a pile in gran’s attic, awaiting my arrival.  Truthfully, there wasn’t much for a kid to do at my grandparents’ house when the weather outside was poor, so I just sat–sometimes even in the attic, immediately after grabbing the topmost pages from the pile–and read and read.  I would read so many colored comics that my fingertips would ingest the ink from the pages and my eyes would begin to see halftone dots everywhere I looked.

Looking back, my grandmother, alive during the Great Depression, was probably just being thrifty when she chose to wrap my gifts in Sunday funnies.  But in doing so, she presented extraordinary blessings–blessings of laughter and artistic appreciation that stimulate me to this day.

See the evidence as follows:

cartoon by Jeremy Gates, an homage to the Sunday funnies


(My crack at a punchy 1-panel comic, a la “The Far Side” or Bizarro.”)

I’ll venture to post a cartoon such as this every week.

Supporters of Issue 3 in Ohio

Supporters of Issue 3

Supporters of Issue 3

Yesterday, November 3rd, 2015, Ohioans went to the polls to vote on several issues. As voting results show, those in favor of marijuana legalization in Ohio (Issue 3 on the ballot) couldn’t drum up enough support.

See voting results at

Scream? Ghosts Make Me Yawn.

Scream? Ghosts Make Me Yawn.
A Halloween-themed mini comic.









ghosts ghosts




















Death needs a vehicle

Death Needs a Vehicle - Anton Chigurh on a Segway

Death needs a vehicle

Observances of the film “No Country for Old Men”

Past, Future, Present.
America. A country where young men like Llewelyn Moss consult their newborn dreams and the old men like Ed Tom Bell try to bury their new, extraordinarily uncomfortable nightmares. Youth seek out their future, envisioning it without a passing thought of death. The aged recall the past, when the death they palpably feel and discuss was a more sensible, comprehendable kind.  Abiding in the underappreciated ever-present, standing alone is Anton Chigurh.

Death Set in Motion.
In the apocalyptic desertscape of West Texas he stands motionless. Yet, once given a vehicle, he becomes unstoppable. He is modern, fledgling evil—the kind that mystifies the old guard, that goes unacknowledged or underappreciated by the new. He is aided by both the lawful (police who set him in motion, upon cuffing him and escorting him to a local station in their patrol car) and lawless, yet is beholden to neither. A short time after bringing Chigurh to the station, the young officer is strangled by the very instrument he foolishly thought could stop the free momentum of the tall, dark, odd creature. After escaping in the squad car, Anton continues to swap lives for vehicles, seeking to maintain forward momentum. Those who try to stop him fall in his wake. The flip of a coin (as Llewelyn’s wife wisely states) is not likely to make a difference in one’s fate, but providing a tank of fuel that will keep him moving just might. His efficiency improves as he trades in land transportation options in favor of a plane ride to El Paso, to seek out Llewelyn’s wife. He takes flight AND maintains altitude even after landing and traveling about town (note the repeated airplane engine sounds that accompany him toward the end of the third act of the film). He is the Prince of the Air. Satan. Death. In the end, as Chigurh drives down a residential road another car collides with his. He survives the crash, but is forced curbside. Finally, he is made motionless. But a newer generation of naïve ones arrive via bike on the scene and attend to his needs, remobilizing him once more. “You never saw me,” he says as he hobbles away, taking akward toddler steps. They never did.

The Wild and Wilder Wests.
The old lawmen realize the west they once held some sway over has become untameable. They are resolute in trying, but try with zeal they do not. Their trying to tame the modern, wilder west is a trying by appearances, largely. Rather than speeding their actions toward an encounter with the killer of men, rather than trying to put a stop to death, they are okay with keeping a few steps behind, having some coffee, sitting on the sofa and pondering aloud the point of it all when they sense what terrible and unpredictable a thing is in their midst. This is not the tamer, more linear wild west of bygone days. Not the west where the bad guys in black came to town by horse or by train to drink and filander and kill in the familiar way (pistol shootouts on designated playing fields and town streets). This death travels by sheriff’s car, flatbed truck hauling chicken coops and Dodge RAM. With improved, unpredictable modes of transit, the capacity for evil and mayhem has increased. And the potential for killing more swiftly and violently has been made possible by technology as well. Modern cattle killing machinery proves efficient when pointed toward mankind.

Death, the Great Equalizer.
Chigurh kills all types—men, women, old, young, rich, poor. If the path you choose leads you to him, it’s a poor mode of transport you’ve taken, and he’ll likely kill you for it. Mexico,

Giver of the Good Life.
Chigurh follows Moss and his money all the way to the border, but stops short of entry. Death does not belong in Mexico. Its activities are reserved for America. Suddenly ambivalent to Moss’s plight, Anton is content to wait stateside at a hotel to deal with the bounty hunter Wells. He even keeps away from no man’s land—the land where Moss’s fortunes lie—literally, between the U.S. and Mexican border entry stations. Moss, conversely enters Mexico, bloody and exhausted. And this neighbor to the south, seen briefly in the film becomes for him a land of joyous accompaniment (Mariachi band), drink, and physical rest and restoration. The No Country for Old Men Therapeutic Spa, if you will.  Much preferred over the USA where there is only toiling to try and hold on to treasure that isn’t really even his. All violent Mexican nationals have left for the states to do their bidding freely and violently (so long as they avoid Chigurh).

Dreams Direct.
Llewelyn surveys a desert scape. It’s a mirage, isn’t it? A suitcase containing millions. And though his waking dream becomes all about creating a new trailer-park-free life for his family, his nighttime dream summons him back to the gruesome crime scene. This dream pulls him away from his family, out of the marital bed and into the black night of the dead. He cares to honor and reward a dead man more than his wife. Upon returning with injury, he provides her no answers about said injury or the money’s history but instead packs her up for a journey with out him, pushing her away from his presence. This proves to be their last correspondence. Llewelyn’s next night dream proves no more successful in helping him realize his goals of financial freedom for his family. Though he is guided to the tracking device hidden within his money case, death looms too close to gain much separation and only anti-familial connections are made. Though he temporarily buys time by escaping from Chigurh and regains his swagger through the healing help of foreign nurses, upon his return to the states, while awaiting reunion with his true family, he is left only enough time for brief flirtations with a bikini-clad woman.

The Bell Tolls: Delay the Fight you Cannot Win.
Ed Tom Bell doesn’t care to see what’s befallen Moss recur on himself and his family. In between his police duties, he makes time for his kin to sit and take at painstaking great length about his thoughts and hopes and dreams dashed or redirected. And his retirement with family is ultimately seen through. But how? The old sheriff stares into the tv screen in Llewelyn’s trailer park home and sees the shadow of death reflected in himself. It’s the horrific image he’s surrendering to more and more with the passage of time…for like an image baked into the pixels of a tv screen that’s long since been shut off, this image will not retreat. He knows what’s gone before (Shigur) will come again. It hasn’t really left. He realizes he is in the valley of the shadow of death. And while Moss stands in the valley with his shotgun and binoculars, not noticing it overpowering the expanse above him, Bell sees, and keeps at bay. He’d rather make sense of it from a distance. Even as he opens the door to the scene of a crime where he believes Shigur would return, he scarcely moves beyond the doorway. And he certainly does not survey the motel room crime scene thoroughly.
He knows who lays in wait.

Chess with Death – The Grim Reaper in Film

Chess with Death

Chess with Death – The Grim Reaper in Film

You may be familiar with the Monty Python bit found in the final act of “The Meaning of Life” in which “death” aka the Grim Reaper crashes a country cottage dinner party, or perhaps the segments featuring he (or rather, it) that are found in Woody Allen movies “Love and Death” and “Deconstructing Harry.” And whether you’ve seen the film or not, you are certainly familiar with the famous imagery in Ingmar Bergman’s “The Seventh Seal” showing a medieval knight partaking in a game of chess vs. the dark-cloaked one.

But here are some interesting facts about “Death” in film that you probably don’t know…

1) According to information I gathered from (Did you know “death” has its own IMDB page? See, death was first portrayed onscreen in the 1913 silent film appropriately titled “The Angel of Death.” Acting the part was Herbert Brenon an actor and director from Dublin, Ireland. Alas, I could not find a photo of Mr. Brenon in costume and, in general, I could not find much information online concerning “The Angel of Death.” Apparently the film was produced in Germany, a land that became known for its bold abstract expressionist films such as “Nosferatu” and “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.”

2) Death has a name…several, in fact.
AKAs for death in film = The Grim Reaper, The Angel of Death, Mr. Death/Mr. De’ath, Abuela muerte, Raver, Angelo della morte, Death Angel ‘Azrael’, Der Tod, Devil’s Reaper, Kuolema, La mort, Gregg, Lucy, Michelle

3) Many noteworthy actors have portrayed death over the years.  Among them are…
• Unsurprisingly, Vincent Price (in “General Electric Theater’s “The Ballad of Mender McClure”)
Christopher Lee, who stands next to Vincent Price as a master of the macabre played death on an SNL skit from 1978 and again in the 1996 movie “Welcome to the Discworld” and in the 1997 TV series “Wyrd Sisters” and “Soul Music” Typecasting? Or does death have a name: Christopher?)
Orson Welles (in “The Hearts of Age” an 8 minute short from 1934)
Jim Carrey (uncredited, in “High Strung” from 1991)
Dan Castellaneta, famous for giving voice to Homer Simpson, also lent his vocal talents to the voice of death in episodes of the TV show “Earthworm Jim.”

4) Death has picked up steam.
Of the 554 film credits to his name on, 397 are from year 2000+. Of those, 135 are from years 2010 – 2015.

The end.

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