Brexit: No UK, OK?

Brexit: No UK, OK?

Brexit: The British are Going! The British are Going!

On March 29, the UK government started the process to withdraw from the European Union, following last summer’s vote to leave.

See more.

How it Feels to be on the Daniel Fast

How it Feels to be on the Daniel Fast

Oh, the Daniel Fast.

Have you ever fasted from meats, sugars, dairy, and most breads? For 21 days? Well if you’ve ever taken part in the Daniel Fast–a spiritually-driven fast based on the fasting experiences and Jewish dietary regulations as detailed in the Book of Daniel–you can answer “Yes” to both questions. And you’ll be able to relate to this brief glimpse into how one inevitably feels during certain moments of the fast:

Land of Outdated Tech Tools

Welcome to the Land of Misfit, Outdated Tech Tools

As Christmas approaches, I thought I’d pay a little homage to one of the all-time great Christmas specials, created by the all-time great Christmas special producer.

The Land of Misfit, Outdated Tech Tools

I Can’t See My Halo

I Can’t See my Halo

Angelic baby finds new use for halos

Transylvanian Public Park Siting

Transylvanian Park Siting

At a Transylvania Park

Venn Diagrams with TMI

Venn Diagrams with TMI

Venn diagrams have the potential to reveal TMI


Here’s more info (but not too much) on Venn diagrams.

Crop Circle Culprit

Crop Circle Culprit

Crop Circle Culprits are often the obvious suspects

crop circle maker, aye Mate!

NYC Subway – Particle Collider

NYC Subway – The Real Particle Collider

NYC Subway – The Real Particle Collider

Cloud Storage - Salvation for your Data, but not You

Yes, there’s a particle collider in France. But I propose that more collisions are happening on a daily basis on the New York Subways.

Texting and Driving

Texting and Driving

Texting and Driving

Texting and Driving!?
“Oh, the kids these days! Back in my day, we didn’t text while we drove around places.”
Well, maybe not, older generations. But you certainly DID (fill in the blank) while doing so!

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